Thursday, January 23, 2014

Délicieux Desserts à Meert à Lille

Will you look at these beautiful pastries!  YES - these are real! YES - I have tried them and yes, they are unbelievably good...

La Maison Meert was established in 1761 in "Vieux Lille", the old quarter of Lille, a quaint town in the French region of Nord-Pas-Des-Calais. At the time of its establishment, Meert was a simple sweets shop, which gained its reputation for its homemade ice cream and chocolates. By 1909, the shop had gained popularity and expanded, introducing the tea room, where guests were welcome to stay and enjoy a wider variety of desserts, such as the pastries in the photo above or Meert's famous Gaufre (French for 'waffle'). Today, Meert is one of France's most celebrated pastry shops and has locations in various regions of France. It is true that Meert boasts some of the finest, most delicious pastries in the country.

Now, let me tell you more about these gaufres that I mentioned earlierThese waffles feature three main ingredients: sugar, butter and vanilla . These combined ingredients form a sort of buttery cream, which is used as the filling between two thin waffles. As you may imagine, the cream is quite sweet, so this is dessert that is to be eaten slowly, bite by bite.  The waffles are especially good when eaten fresh. 

Tasting waffle
The original Meert gaufres
The recipe for these waffles is unique to Meert and handmade at Meert shops only, which is what makes them so special.  

One who loves sweets simply could not (would not dare to) resist what Meert has to offer!

La Maison Meert
27 rue Esquermoise, 59000 Lille

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Orange, Lemon, and Almond Cake

I had never been a fan of citrus-flavored dessert, whether it be lemon meringue, mousse, cheesecake, etc. To add, despite the fact that I love chocolate, the  combination of citrus and chocolate also remained an unfamiliar combination of flavors to my taste buds.  

Then came the day when I encountered this lemon/orange and almond cake drizzled with dark chocolate,  which left me wondering how and why I have been neglecting this fantastic combination of flavours!

This cake was perfectly moist and consisted of fine almond pieces, real lemon and orange zest and dark chocolate drizzle on top. Although visually the cake resembles a sort of plain corn bread, the taste is far from plain. The combination of zesty, citrus notes and earthy, nutty flavor work wonderfully together. It is one of those "melt-in-your-mouth, can't-get-enough-of-it" desserts.

Now I realize how absolutely versatile the ingredients orange and lemon are when it comes to making any dish, not just dessert.

If you ever find yourself in London strolling around Borough Market, I strongly suggest that you visit The Rabot Estate and try any one of their delicious desserts.  Also, don't forget to browse through their wide variety of chocolate products - cocoa beans, chocolate bark, hot chocolate mix and much more!

The Rabot Estate
2 Stoney Street
Borough Market, London, SE1 9AA

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Fish Soup Provençale

This fish soup Provençale was heavenly! The seafood was perfectly tender and juicy, and the creamy broth complemented the seafood beautifully. In fact, the cream broth is what made this dish differ from the traditional bouillabaisse. 
Soup Provençale in local Cannes restaurant
Originating from France's port-city of Marseille, Bouillabaisse is a traditional Provençal fish stew prepared with at least 5 different types of fish and seafood. The traditional bouillabaisse is prepared in a much lighter, tomato and herb infused broth with no added cream. The soup is served with slices of toasted baguette (or croutons) and rouille, a thick, savoury sauce resembling the texture and colour of mustard. The rouille consists of a blend of egg yolk, garlic, olive oil, saffron and some cayenne pepper, where the cayenne pepper adds the much-needed 'kick' to the overall dish.

Although the traditional bouillabaisse does not include cream,  there exist several variations of the "traditional bouillabaisse" because the dish is prepared differently between the different regions of France. Often, this has to do with the types of fresh fish and local ingredients available in the particular region.  In any case,  whatever fish used, it must be fresh

I am a strong believer in experimenting, and I think the addition of cream to the fish soup Provençale is an incredible decision!  You can never go wrong with adding cream! 

Cheers to yet another delicious meal...

Bon appetit à tous!

My Inspiration

I  created this blog, Ça, C'est Bon Ça, in the summer of 2012 in the midst of my nostalgic memories of living in France. It had always been a dream of mine to live in France - and finally, my dream came true in December of 2010 when I ventured on my journey to Lille, France, a lovely city situated in the Nord-Pas de Calais region of France. 

I cannot say that all six months of my journey were easy, nor all simple.  In fact, my life in France was far from simply - it was full of surprises, good and bad surprises. It took quite a while to get acquainted with the city, the people,  its local amenities, and the overall French way of life. 

The day that I first realized that I have really come to love Lille is when I began to defend the city, which I myself once had so much trouble accepting. When I would hear negative remarks and complaints about the 'obvious' flaws of Lille, I would refute the statements, as any loyal Lillois ("an inhabitant of Lille") would do for their city.  It felt good to accept the cities' flaws because I began to see the city with a whole new set of eyes. I began to discover Lille in a more personal, special way.  

Anyway, going back to why I began this blog and why it is relevant to Lille. My friend, and perfect travel companion, Melissa, played a significant role in my experience of living abroad. We lived together in Lille in a little two-storey maisonette on a main street in the city. Together, we did practically everything -  travelled, learned, indulged, discovered, struggled (at times), less loose ( other times), and in everything, we constantly sought new adventures and created unforgettable memories together. I am absolutely sure that my experience would not have been nearly as amazing and as memorable if I did not have Melissa by my side. For that, thank you Melissa!

Not only did we travel, we also ate - we ate a lot and a lot of everything in each city we visited. There are hundreds of photographs to document each and every (well, almost) meal/snack/drink/dessert/etc. that either of savoured. I have a memory and story associated with practically every photo, and each photo is special in its own way. 

Our combined love for GOOD food made our travel experiences the more exciting and fulfilling - fulfilling in the sense that it not only fed our tummies, but it also fed our souls. We learned to indulge in the food we eat, not just eat to satisfy our hunger. We learned to enjoy the simple pleasures of life such as... taking a walk in the park,  sitting at a cafe people watching for hours and drinking coffee,  sleeping in on a Sunday morning, buying fresh flowers and enjoying their presence in our home,  really taking the time to pick out the perfectly ripe strawberries at a local market (and bargaining of course!)....and the list goes on and on. 

So here I am, about one and a half years later, back to writing on my blog. It seems that this blog is a place of nostalgia for me. It takes me back to the past and allows me to express my memories and share them with you. I hope my blog gives you a sense of yearning, for anything it is that is meaningful to you. I also hope that my blog conveys the importance of indulging in life's simple pleasures. And maybe it will even make your tummy growl for some yummy goodness!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Les petit plaisirs de France

Tarte aux framboises
Let me say that the beautiful "tarte aux framboises" in the photo above is among the best I have tried in my entire time spent in France - better yet, the best I've tried in my life!  Perhaps I say this because at the time, it was a very early, chilly Parisian morning or because the previous night was spent at quite a peculiar hostel nearby. In any case, these pastries made my good friend Melissa and I forget our worries! I still remember just how much we enjoyed this breakfast (if you can call this a breakfast?) as we munched away, sipping our hot coffee and indulging in one of life's simple pleasures.

Here are just a few more photos of the tarts included in our breakfast that morning...  
Tarte aux abricot
Tarte au chocolat et aux amandes

Next time I am in Paris, I intend to return to this quaint, little boulangerie and treat myself to another one of their delicious,  melt-in your-mouth pastries. 

Here is the name of this boulangerie, just in case you wish to pay a visit yourself... 

Artisan Boulanger Patissier -
Located near  métro Félix Faure